Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Week 4 Day 3 And the Oscar Goes to...

Genesis 42-43

Now we are getting to one of my favorite stories.

I just love seeing a good plan unfold, don't you? Or rather a God plan...

The famine was wide spread at this point. The people were hungry.

So thankful that Joseph had been put in charge and was passing out food to those in need. Not that I am biased at all.

Meanwhile, over in Canaan, Joseph's family was getting hungry too. Finally, Jacob/Israel decides that they brothers need to run on over to Egypt to visit and pick up some food. After all, there was no grocery store around the corner. All of the brothers head out but one...Benjamin. Jacob/Israel just can't fathom the thought of losing him too.

The brothers get to Egypt and come before Joseph. However, they don't recognize him. He however knows exactly who these guys are. Kind of reminds me of the show Undercover Boss. Anyway, I digress...

What was Joseph thinking seeing those brothers in front of him? How did he not just yell out, "I TOLD YOU SO" when they bowed down before him (not knowing who he was). Hmmm, sounds a lot like a dream Joseph once had.

I get a little satisfaction for Joseph watching him toy with his brothers. Okay, he is testing them a bit but it reminds me of a cat playing with a mouse. Joseph even used a translator so the brothers don't know he can understand them. How did he not break out laughing when the brothers started moaning that they were being punished for what they did to their brother (a.k.a. Joseph). I also love how Reuben is completely ready to throw them under the bus by saying, "I told you not to to do it. You didn't listen to me." Okay, that is a paraphrase. But you get the idea.

Finally the brothers are ready to head home. I really am impressed with Joseph's acting skills. I can imagine that he wanted to run after them and say, "Don't go, we need to catch up. Guess who I am?" But instead he lets them go with the exception of Simeon who must have drawn the short straw in the drawing. Simeon had to stay there in jail while the brothers headed back. The only way he would be released was if Benjamin came with them next time.

You have to love Jacob/Israel's reaction. He goes on a rant. He tells the brother that they are robbing him of all of his children. He also makes it clear that Benjamin is not going anywhere. Oh, how that must have sounded to Reuben. Jacob/Israel would rather keep his youngest son at home rather than send him to Egypt to hopefully bring Reuben home.

Jacob/Israel is steadfast in his decision. At least until the grain is gone. And they are still hungry.

Finally he relents.

Little sidenote: Jacob/Israel sends some gifts to Joseph, obviously not realizing it IS Joseph. He sends balm, honey, spices, almonds, etc...including my very favorite...Pistachios!

I knew there was a reason I eat them every day. They are Biblical. :)

The brothers head on back to Egypt, the baby brother (not so much a baby anymore) Benjamin bringing up the lead.

What joy Joseph felt to see his brothers, including his baby brother. In fact, he had to leave the room to hide his tears.

And yet, he kept up the facade.


I will stop there because this is a "To Be Continued" story. And that is what we will do. Continue it (probably tomorrow).

Tomorrow's reading: Genesis 44-45

More later,

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