Sunday, March 13, 2011

Week 4 Day 1 Dream On

Genesis 39-40

Yes, I am a day behind today or yesterday. Or some time. It was a busy night last night, and I was having some computer issues.

So yesterday's reading was about my favorite, Joseph. Here he is, the personal servant of Potiphar. That was quite an honor for a slave. Furthermore, what is impressive is that Potiphar saw that the Lord was with Joseph. What a compliment and what an honor to God! Couldn't we all hope to have others see that?

Things are all going hunky dory until one fateful day. Potiphar's wife decided to woo Joseph. Joseph would have no part of this. He was faithful to his master. (One of the things I love about Joseph is that here he has been sold into slavery by his very own brothers and he just makes the most of the complaints.)

Anyway, on this day, Potiphar's wife made another move. And Joseph bolted. Unfortunately, when he bolted, his coat didn't. So Potiphar's wife, probably feeling a bit jilted, did what a lot of us do to save face. Lied. Lied through her teeth. She claimed it was Joseph making the moves on her.

No justice here.


That irritates me.

Joseph, a mere slave, has no leg to stand on in front of Potiphar who chose to believe his wife.

Joseph gets thrown in prison.

You would think that would bring a man down. I mean, just reading it brings me down a little. Poor guy. Nothing is going his way. I sure have days like that. But he didn't let this little change of life plans get him down. No, Sirree. He ended up being chosen to take care of all of the prisoners. The Lord made him successful in everything he did.

One night two of the king's servants, also thrown into the slammer, had dreams. The next morning they were both fretting over the dreams. Joseph asked what they had dreamed about.

I love this part.

He tells the men that no one can explain the meaning of the dreams to them...only God can explain the meaning of dreams.

Makes me feel kind of silly for trying to be a dream interpreter in my young, naive days.


Anyway, Joseph (with God's help) explained the dreams. The man who served wine to the king had a good dream. He was about to be sprung from jail. The baker though didn't have such a positive dream meaning. His time on earth was coming to an end.

Ugh. Poor Joseph. That could not have been fun news to deliver!

Three days later the king had a birthday. Guess what? Wine guy was sprung from jail while baker dude was hung.

Just as Joseph had said it would...

More in a bit,

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