Friday, April 22, 2011

Week 8 Day 5 Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

Leviticus 16-17

Leviticus 16
Oh, wow. I am not sure I would have made it as a priest. If you know me at all, you know how stressed I get. I worry a lot about whether I am doing the right thing, what if I am forgetting a step in a process, what if I say something wrong, etc. I am just thinking, if I had been Aaron, I would have been in a state of stress all of the time.

Those priests had SO many rules, so many procedures. And they had to be done just the right way.

Doing them the wrong way could result in death.

It really does make me tired thinking about it.

The one thing I was most intrigued about in this chapter was the statement made in verse 29. The people were supposed to have a day of rest (NO work) on the tenth day of the seventh month. This was the day the priest would make them clean so they could belong to the LORD. What confuses me a bit is that it says in verse 31 that this law will continue forever.

That forever is throwing me off a bit.

I have always thought (based on what I have read in the Bible) that the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ took away the need for the law.

And for that I am thankful.

But that isn't what this chapter says about THIS law.


So are we still supposed to be doing this?

We don't need priests anymore to make us clean.

Hmmm, things that make you go "hmmmm".

(I really need to befriend a Bible scholar to explain this stuff to me...)

Chapter 17
More dead animals. There are a lot of those in this book.

Have I mentioned how much dead animals make my stomach churn? I can kill a fly but that is about as much as I am capable of. I don't kill spiders (they help us) or even mice as much as they make me scream. I would have been in trouble had I lived in the wilderness with the Israelites.

The people in the camps had a lot of rules regarding just the killing (and later disposal) of the animals.

Doing anything different would make a person clean or unclean.


My stomach is turning.

The one part I found interesting (and yet stomach turning all at the same time) was the whole section on the blood.

I have found myself wondering a time or two why the shedding of blood was used to cleanse the people. I mean, I think about blood, I think about a mess. Ever have a child get a cut on their forehead? Red everywhere. How is that cleansing? I think of cleansing as pure and white.

Well, my answer to "Why blood?" is found in this chapter.


Blood removes sins because it is life.

There you have it!

More soon,

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