Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Week 7 Day 3 It's a Calling

Exodus 28-29

Today's reading revolved around the priests. A whole chapter was basically dedicated to what the priest would wear. I have to say, just from reading it, it sounded really hot and really heavy (as in weighty). I again loved reading each details God gave Moses down to the undergarment. God is definitely a God of detail. He didn't just give a blanket, "Make a robe and a vest" command. He told the people exactly what He wanted. I forget that sometimes. Sometimes, I feel like He is giving me a blanket command, like "Do this..." without any details. But even if they aren't clear to me, He does have details. And he does care about the smallest things!

The next chapter focused more on the cleansing of the priests and the sacrifices that needed to be made. Daily. Daily sacrifices.

That was all interesting, but the part that stuck out to me more than anything? It was the fact that God just appointed (and later "anointed") Levi and his sons to be priests.

They were called. Chosen. Selected.

I have to admit, I would have been saying, "Are you sure, God? I don't know if I am the right one for the job."

But if that happened, we don't know about it.

We just know God chose, and they did.

Guess that might be a good motto for life?

PS Not sure about tomorrow's reading. The Bible is in the other room and my legs are REALLY tired.

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