Exodus 20
So just to recap, Moses is on the mountain (Mt. Sinai) listening to God. The people wait below.
And then God speaks.
Lots of Thou Shall Nots...
Well, 10 to be exact.
Okay, I am reading the more modern version, so it says, "You must not..."
But the "shall nots" sound so much more official. Plus that is the way I learned them.
So here is my little version and what my conversation with God might have been...
1. You must have no other gods before me. That one sounds so easy. I only believe in one god. Oh, wait. You aren't telling me that my job or my family or even my computer time is a god, are you? Okay, now that is just stepping on my toes...
2. You must not make an idol (or worship an idol). Again, that is easy. I have no statues hanging around my house that I serve. Huh? That box plugged into the wall can be an idol? Food that I love to eat? It isn't like I worship them, right? Sure, I may spend a lot of time thinking about them. Or with them. And that may interfere with my time with God on occasion. But that doesn't mean...oh. Never mind.
3. You must not use the name of the LORD your God thoughtlessly. Or in vain. I actually do pretty well with this one if you take it very literally. I just was raised to not say "God" unless I am actually talking to Him or about Him. But then there are those questionable words. "Golly" "Darn" "Heck" Hmmm...
4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. I will be honest. I still struggle with exactly what this means. I know a long time ago the Pharisees took this very strictly. They would kill a hen for laying eggs on the Sabbath. I think that is a bit extreme. But I don't know if we always do enough to keep that one day holy either. I am still working on this one...
5. Honor your father and your mother. I love the reason here. "So you will live a long time in the land that the LORD your God is going to give you." I think I may type this one up in a REALLY big font and put it on the bathroom mirror for my children to see every day. :) By the way, I notice this commandment doesn't have an expiration date. It doesn't say that when you are a grown up, you don't have to honor them.
6. You must not murder anyone. Again, God, this one sounds so easy. I am not likely to just go out and kill someone. But if you are referring to having anger or bitterness in my heart to another...well, I just may struggle with this one too. Darn. I am not on a winning streak here.
7. You must not be guilty of adultery. I don't even know what to say on this one...
8. You must not steal. Stealing always conjures up pictures in my mind of that teenage girl at the mall shoplifting a tube of lipstick or the two men who robbed our house a couple years ago. But, God, I suppose that could also involve stealing of company time...doing my own personal stuff while working. Or trying to pass of my child as under 10 so he can eat off the kids' menu. (I am not saying I do these things...just thinking aloud here...)
9. You must not tell lies about your neighbor. Well, that sounds easy enough...unless this somehow gets into those little white lies. Gossip. You know, that kind of thing.
10. You must not covet. (That is my simplified version) Ugh. That is a tough one. I struggle with that one. I read about trips others are taking, and I immediately feel a sense of envy. I see people driving their cute little cars around as I roll in my minivan, and I feel that sense of "Why not me?" (Then I remember that is because four won't fit in the back of those cute little cars...) I read about ipads and houses with three bathrooms and swimming pools...and though I would truly say I am content, I still feel that little sense of want. Ugh, God...why didn't You stop with nine???
The people continued to wait for Moses at the foot of the mountain. They shook with fear and stood away from the mountain...I think I would have!
When Moses spoke to them, he told them to NOT be afraid. God wanted them to respect Him so they wouldn't sin.
Oh, there is that word respect. We use it a lot around here.
Am I respecting Him when I sin?
Ending with my head hanging in shame...
Next reading: Exodus 21-22
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