Thursday, April 21, 2011

Week 8 Day 4 To Eat or Not to Eat...

Leviticus 11-15

I want to be excited to read the Bible. I do. And I have been. But I have to admit, Leviticus gives me a bit of a headache. SOOOO many rules. So many "If...then..." statements. I am only a few chapters into it and I find myself ready for the Savior so we can get rid of all of these rules. I know that they were necessary for the whole bunch of people wandering the wilderness. I mean, we have a few rules (few hundred) at our own house. I can't imagine multiplying that by...bunches. But I will admit that reading it gets a bit tedious. Yet I will persist because I know there is more coming. And eventually I will get to the BEST story of all. Eventually.

Chapter 11
This chapter was about clean and unclean food. I will admit, reading it, I began to think it might have been easier if they had just listed what the people COULD eat. I was a bit relieved to see a few things on the "no" list: camels, the black vulture, about any kind of owl, the weasel, the rat, the skink, and a lot of insects.

One part that confused me was that the people could not eat insects that walked on all "four" legs. I know a thing or two about insects, and they have SIX legs. Don't quite get that one. I am sure there is an explanation. Feel free to share it with me. :)

Chapter 12
This chapter deals with rules for new mothers. I won't go into a lot of it other than to say that apparently having a boy made you less unclean than having a girl. Again, there is probably a reason for that but I don't truly get that. I need a Biblical scholar who can explain this all to me in language I can understand (also read: simple). The only other thing I can say is that I am SO thankful we are not under these rules and regulations any more, that now we live for the Savior and are saved by Him.

Chapter 13
I had NO idea there could be so many rules about skin diseases. There are. A lot. You name it, it is there. Open sores. Baldness. Burns. Boils.

I also didn't fully realize the role of the priest. The people didn't go see a doctor for these things. They went to the priest. The priest would determine if it was something temporary or a skin disease that required being separated from the rest of the people.

There were also rules about mildew and fabric. Again, the priest was the determining factor on this one...

Chapter 14
Now that we have read about the skin diseases and the possibilities associated with them, this chapter explains the rules for cleansing people from their skin diseases.

The next part of the chapter deals with cleansing from molds. As in molds in houses. I find this interesting because today, we still deal with these issues. I have friends who have had mold in their houses...harmful molds. Enough they had to move out. And to get someone to come clean them out, it can cost an enormous amount of money. But back then, there were no mold removal people to call. Guess who you called instead? The priest, of course. That priest guy is a Jack of all trades!

Chapter 15
I really don't care to elaborate much on chapter 15. It all has to do with bodily fluids and being unclean. Again, all I will say is I am SO thankful that THIS was not God's final plan for us. That He had a Savior planned that wiped all of the rules and laws away once we knew that we could not in any way fulfill the law. The law only served to show us how unworthy we really are of His love. But He gives it anyway...

Tomorrow's Reading: Leviticus 16-17

More later,

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