Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 13 Day 5 Very Interesting...

Deuteronomy 23-25

You have to say that title with an accent or it isn't nearly as fun.

Okay, this passage was full of interesting tidbits and warnings.

Some I would blush to even type.

But some kind of tickled me. I never noticed before that there could be a Family of the Unsandaled.

I have been reading the Bible for a LONG time and have never once noticed that.

Or that if a slave escaped came to an Israelite, they were NOT to return him to his master but to let him live where he wanted.

Or to not cover an ox's mouth while it was helping harvest grain.

But my favorite one is that when a man married a woman, he was NOT to go to war for a year or have another duty. He needed to stay home and make his new wife happy.

I love that!

Wonder what tomorrow will bring?

Deuteronomy 26


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