Monday, June 13, 2011

Week 12 Day 3 If Wishes Were Fishes...

Deuteronomy 4:44-5:33

Sorry for the absence. The last two weeks of school are difficult. I wish I could explain why. You just almost have to live them to understand. SOOOO many things to do. Not nearly enough time to do it.

But now I am back. And I am ready to get back to my reading.

Ironically, my oldest son doesn't know that I do this since it is after he is asleep, but he has just finished reading the Bible all the way through and is reading it a second time to take notes. Maybe he should be the one blogging!

Today's passage is basically a recap of the 10 Commandments. As I am reading them, I am thinking, "Why are we hearing this again?" Then I is because we are people. We have to hear things over and over and over again...

One of my favorite parts is when Moses is recapping his experience on the mountain and how the people were so scared to actually hear God. They were afraid they would die, so they asked Moses to be the messenger for them.

God's response? He heard what the people said to Moses and it was good. (Of course, He hears all, doesn't He?) Then He wishes their hearts would always respect Him and that they would always obey His commands so that things would go well for them and their children forever.

Something about that just touches my heart.

He is God. He knows all. And He knows His people. He loves them though He knows them. And He WISHES that they would always respect Him. But to me that implies that He knows they won't. He longs for it. He desires it. But He knows the truth.

And yet He loves them. In spite of themselves.

I love the God I serve.
Tomorrow's reading: Deuteronomy 6 and 7

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