Monday, October 7, 2013

Week 21 Day 6 and 7 A Nation Divided

2 Samuel 1-3:5

Saul is now dead.

David mourns then prays, asking the Lord where to go from here.

God clearly tells him to go to Hebron.

So David does.

And he is made the king of Hebron.

Meanwhile, Saul's family has selected their own king.  His son Ish-Bosheth was selected king of Israel.

And though Saul is now dead, the rivalry between the two men is not.

For the next several months, Saul's family and David's followers are in a constant state of chasing one another.  Joab, one of David's commanders, and Abner, one of Saul's commanders, lead the war.

And the battle wages.

Will the nation ever unite?

Next reading:
2 Samuel 3:6-4:12

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